Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Getting over the Facebook hump! - Social Media Marketing - Optomerty, Vision Care, Eye Care

It's a great feeling when that facebook page you have been working on so hard on suddenly takes on a life of it's own. You've worked so hard setting up the apps, uploading the perfect pics, recruiting fans and blasting out posts and now people are starting to interact. Interaction is the key to a successful facebook page. Without it no one else reads your perfectly worded posts, no one sees your pretty pictures and worst of all no one shares your page with anyone else.

So how does one create a page that encourages social interaction? You can do it yourself if you have the time or you could hire a professional like SocialEyes. SocialEyes has been working with Eye Care Professionals for over 20 years now and they know how to create Social Media Gold! The Eye Care industry is a tough place to market yourself in but SocialEyes invented Social Media Marketing for the Vision Care Community!

We create an environment for your patients to interact in. Our Doctors now have hundreds of fans asking to buy contacts, find them special eye glass frames, leave them excellent reviews and comment on our interesting posts. These interactions create fans and these fans translate into happy patients who generate revenue.

Please stay tuned for more on getting over the facebook hump. It is late and I need my beauty rest :)

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